High Heart Healing Temple - The Andara of Divine Healing
Wow! This amazing large 383-gram deep emerald and turquoise blue Andara holds the energy of the Hight Heart associated with the 5th-dimensional heart also known as the 8th Chakra. As we ascend, expand, and evolve, these higher aspects begin to come online allowing the essence of who we truly are as a divine angelic human to be expressed. It is a great Andara to help support you in holding the higher frequencies and provide access to your higher self, as a compassionate, loving sovereign being. It is wonderful to have it in a sacred place in your home or office. It can also be used in healing ceremonies for humanity and the planet. Its keeper will be called to work with it and we suggest that you tune in to how it can be of the higher service. You will know. Thank you for saying YES and working with this amazing being on your ascension journey.
Note: On the bottom on one side of this Andara it is smooth.