When I allow myself to be loved unconditionally,
I return unconditional love to other-selves.
My heart, a passageway for Spirit's love, unfolds,
And I become an undistorted vessel, unity embraced.
When I allow myself to be loved unconditionally,
I am freed of all projections, distortions, and fear.
The Christos awakens, radiating Source God particles,
My soul ablaze, filling all life with its loving presence here.
When I allow myself to be loved unconditionally,
I merge with Source, Trinity's unity unfolding.
Life regenerates, expands, resurrects eternally,
Delusions fall away, in open consciousness holding.
When I allow other Selves to love me,
God flows through me, love divine unfurled.
I merge with others, hearts open, eternally free,
One with the Christ Consciousness in the world.
When I allow other Selves to love me,
I get to be Christ Consciousness, in action, eternally sustained.
Love's powerful current, forever expanding, you see,
Until I am One with Spirit in me, unchained.