about us
Hello, our names are Denise and Michael! We are interested in supporting you in your awakening process through advanced spiritual teachings, retreats, online classes, coaching, energy sessions, sacred ceremonies, and sound healings.
We met over 10 years ago while building an Ashram in India. Michael was a Hindu Monk living in Varanasi, India and I was working with the Architect to help raise the funds for the project here in the USA.
Our diverse backgrounds in spiritual studies, practices, and modaities, helped us create a community that is focused on spiritual development, community, esoteric teachings, shared wisdom, energetic support, guidance, retreats, sacred ceremonies, and geomancy (working with the planetary grid lines).
We started Alchemy in 2016 and teach online and hold programs in our meditation space on our property just outside of Philadelphia, PA in the USA.
We also love to travel to sacred sites, sometimes with some of our indiginuous brothers and sisters to hold sacred ceremonies to support humanity and the planet move through this ascension cycle.
Every time we do a program, retreat, coaching, or healing session, it is new. We do not have a cookie-cutter approach to our work and tune into the current energies and where you are, or where the group is as well as the collective to support you, humanity and the planet align to the highest frequencies and timeline.
Our philosophy is to help you become a free and sovereign being where inner peace, love, balance, and empowerment guide your life. We are committed to helping you align with your true divine human soul essence. Our one-on-one work is tailored specifically to you and where you are in the process. In group retreats, we guide the group in a variety of activations, activities, and meditations so they can explore their true sovereign self.
We are also the Founders of The Global Awareness Charitable Trust in 2020, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization based in the United States committed to educating and supporting humanity in living an enlightened awareness.
Our work is to create and sponsor events that promote unity, collaboration, and cross-cultural communication, honoring the indigenous ways and fostering community.
We reside outside of Philadelphia in Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania with their husky dog Radha, pug Bea, and cat Shiva.